




更年期是女性中众所周知的现象, often characterized by a range of natural physical and emotional changes. 然而, it’s essential to recognize that men can also experience hormonal shifts and associated symptoms as they age. 这种情况通常被称为“男性更年期, “男性更年期” 或者更专业地说,“迟发性性腺功能减退症”.”


“男性更年期” refers to the age-related decline in testosterone levels in men. It typically occurs in middle-aged and 老 men, usually starting in their late 40s to early 50s, 尽管在某些情况下可能会发生得更早. Unlike the abrupt hormonal changes in women during menopause, 男性更年期 involves a gradual decline in testosterone levels.


男性更年期 can manifest through a variety of physical, emotional and cognitive symptoms. 


  1. 疲劳: Reduced daily energy levels and increased tiredness.
  2. 肌肉量减少: Difficulty in maintaining muscle 强度 and mass.
  3. 增加体脂: 尤其是腹部周围.
  4. 勃起功能障碍: 睾丸体积减小, fewer spontaneous erections and difficulty achieving/maintaining an erection.
  5. 潮热: 突然而强烈的发热或出汗.


  1. 情绪波动: 易怒、抑郁和焦虑.
  2. 缺乏动力: 动力和热情降低.
  3. 注意力不集中: 认知变化,包括记忆问题.
  4. 睡眠障碍: 失眠或睡眠质量差.
  5. 性欲: 对性欲的整体兴趣降低.

“Many men are not aware of the link between suboptimal testosterone and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular or metabolic. Simple lifestyle changes can improve testosterone and overall healthspan.”

-Dr. 玛格丽特韦斯顿


The primary cause of 男性更年期 is the natural aging process. 男性的睾丸激素水平会下降 30岁以后,大约每年1%. 然而, other factors can contribute to this decline, including:

  • 肥胖: 体内脂肪过多会导致 higher estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels.
  • 慢性疾病: Conditions like diabetes and heart disease can impact hormone production.
  • 药物: Some medications, such as opioids and steroids, can reduce testosterone levels.
  • 压力: 长期的压力会导致荷尔蒙失衡.
  • 睡眠呼吸暂停综合症: Obstructive sleep apnea negatively impacts the quantity and quality of sleep, 哪个在睾丸激素的产生中起作用. 零碎的睡眠,更少的快速眼动睡眠 reduced deep sleep all can lead to lower testosterone
  • 生活方式因素: Lack of exercise and poor diet can contribute to hormonal changes.


Diagnosing 男性更年期 typically involves a combination of symptom assessment, physical examination and blood tests to measure testosterone levels. It’s essential to rule out other medical conditions that can mimic the symptoms of 男性更年期, 比如甲状腺紊乱或抑郁症. This makes consulting with a board-certified functional wellness expert critical throughout the journey. 

What Are The Average Testosterone Scores By Age?

The general consensus among healthcare professionals is that the most common range of total testosterone in men is 300 – 1050 ng/dL when considering testosterone replacement therapy. 

12 - 18岁300 - 1000ng /dL
19 - 30岁300 - 1000ng /dL
31 - 50岁300 - 950 ng/dL
51 - 70岁240 - 850ng /dL
71年 & 老190 - 750ng /dL


  • 性发展,性欲 & 生育能力 
  • 肌肉 & 强度 
  • 骨骼健康
  • 前列腺健康
  • 脂肪分布 & 能量代谢
  • 红细胞生成
  • 声音加深
  • 面部 & 体毛生长
  • 认知功能 & 幸福的感觉

“Although a decrease in testosterone is expected as men age, 骨骼健康恶化, loss of muscle mass and worsening of sexual wellness are unacceptable. Just because it is ‘normal’ doesn’t mean you have to live with the negative symptoms.”

-Dr. 玛格丽特韦斯顿


The management of 男性更年期 focuses on getting to the root cause of the symptoms and optimizing overall health. 在某些情况下, specific symptoms will be addressed with temporary measures until the underlying issues can be resolved or controlled properly. 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方案通常包括:

  • 激素替代疗法(HRT): 在某些情况下, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be recommended under medical supervision to restore hormone levels to an optimal range.
  • 生活方式的改变: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve symptoms. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management and adequate sleep.
  • 心理支持: Therapy or counseling can help men cope with emotional symptoms and provide strategies to improve their mental well-being.
  • 药物澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网: Certain medications may be prescribed to manage specific symptoms, such as antidepressants for mood swings or erectile dysfunction medications.
  • 定期健康检查: Routine medical checkups and testing are crucial for monitoring overall health and hormone levels.

You Deserve To Feel Your Best — No Matter Your Age! 

男性更年期,或迟发性性腺功能减退, is a natural part of the aging process for men. While it may not be as well-known or dramatic as menopause in women, it can still have a significant impact on your physical and emotional well-being. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking proper diagnosis and management can help you navigate this stage of life with greater ease and improved quality of life. 

Dr. 玛格丽特·韦斯顿作者简介照片


Dr. 玛格丽特韦斯顿 is a board-certified functional wellness specialist in Columbus, Ohio. 她经常雇佣 激素疗法 作为她全面健康计划的一部分, in addition to strategic lifestyle changes to help her patients live longer and better. Dr. 韦斯顿 is constantly in search of modern ways to address some of the most pressing health issues facing men today, 包括男性更年期, 体重管理 关注和更多.